Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA)

The Risk and Control Self-Assesment (RCSA) module provide a rich set of features for defining customized self-assessment programs and for automating, tracking, and reporting on the self-assessment process.

  • Provides complete support for the design, execution and management of the self-assessment process

  • Program administrators can develop RCSA programs containing the inventory of business risks and mitigating controls, and assign roles and responsibilities for assessment surveys

  • Various compliance and severity rating scales can be configured, and rating criteria can be specified to produce uniform and consistent assessments

  • Links with the other relevant OpRiskCenter modules:
    • Issues can be associated with any RCSA point
    • Associated action plans to close gaps in compliance can be created and tracked
    • Supporting documents may be attached to RCSA points, issues, and action plans

  • Customized workflows can be configured to support the initiation, execution, review, and approval of surveys based on internal business rules

  • Users can perform ad-hoc queries to generate a wide range of reporting and diagnostics on survey results